6. Ponto x IIP Podcast: “Nuclear Weapons in Belarus and Mutiny in Russia – Insecurity for Europe?“

The sixth episode of the “Peace Matters” Podcast from Ponto and the International Institute for Peace has been released: “Nuclear Weapons in Belarus and Mutiny in Russia – Insecurity for Europe?“ Although the attempted mutiny in Russia on June 24th was short-lived, it may have lasting consequences for Russia’s political regime, its war in Ukraine,…

5. Ponto x IIP Podcast: „Frau Macht Frieden“

Die fünfte Folge des “Peace Matters” Podcasts von Ponto und dem International Institute for Peace ist erschienen: „Frau Macht Frieden“ Dieses Mal beschäftigen wir uns mit feministischer Friedensforschung, der Rolle von Frauen in der Konflikttransformation und im Konfliktmanagement, der Diskussion rund um eine feministische Außenpolitik sowie der praktischen Relevanz kritischer Friedensforschung. Angesichts zunehmender Militarisierung in…

Neutralität, Sicherheit & Ukraine: Österreich dürfte eigentlich mehr tun

Policy Brief von Michael Stellwag  Es herrscht eine riesige Kluft zwischen den „gefühlten“ und den tatsächlichen verfassungsrechtlichen Beschränkungen der Neutralität. Daher behindert sich die österreichische Politik entgegen ihrer eigenen Interessen in der europäischen Sicherheitspolitik selbst. Die russische Aggression zwingt die Republik, aus ihrer sicherheitspolitischen Lethargie zu erwachen und den neuen Realitäten ins Auge zu sehen. Policy…

2. Ponto x IIP Podcast: „Nuklearwaffen im Fokus: Zwischen Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag und neuer Aufrüstung“

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Die zweite Folge des “Peace Matters” Podcasts von Ponto und dem International Institute for Peace ist erschienen: „Nuklearwaffen im Fokus: Zwischen Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag und neuer Aufrüstung“ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/09Flrby… Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast… In dieser Episode sprechen wir darüber, welche Bedeutung und Wirkung der Atomwaffensperrvertrag sowie der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag heute haben, sowie inwiefern der Ukraine-Krieg in diesem Zusammenhang neue Fragen…

First IIP x Ponto Podcast: “One year in Ukraine: Does peace still matter?“

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The first episode of the ‘Peace Matters’ podcast by the International Institute for Peace and Ponto has been released: E1_One year of war in Ukraine: Does peace still matter? Available on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8HcI3Kz7sk&list=PL8bOdRJp3ejdtP57B5AroBph59GQtrdJW IIP Web https://www.iipvienna.com/podcast-peace-matters Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/09FlrbyhMajIuGEFDkiHUX Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/peace-matters/id1673740745 About the podcast: ‘Peace Matters’ is a podcast about contemporary conflicts…

EU security and defence: the cost of inaction

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The European Union finds itself in an increasingly threatening international arena while its Common Security and Defence Policy continues to have serious deficiencies. Surmounting its weaknesses must be a top priority to gain strategic autonomy in handling security threats. But underinvestment and lack of coordination are difficult challenges to overcome. The Russian invasion of Ukraine…

The Military-Industrial Complex pressured by the Climate Crisis

Since the general public first became aware of the effect of human consumption on the planet, individuals have been asked to reduce, reuse, and recycle in order to turn the trend of a warming planet around. Governments and the private sector alike have claimed that they are joining the masses in contributing to the reduction…

Russia’s war in Ukraine is about the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s remark in 2016 that Russia’s borders do not end anywhere reinforced a popular claim about the revisionist nature of Moscow’s foreign policy. Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine seems to be the ultimate validation of this belief. Various explanations of the invasion have been offered, ranging from Russia’s current military advantages over…

Accountability for Crimes Committed by ISIL – Why Austria should join Germany in the support of the UN Missions to Iraq

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On the 30th November 2021, a former ISIL Fighter and his wife were convicted by a Frankfurt court in Germany for genocide and crimes against humanity under the German “Völkerstrafgesetzbuch” (German International Criminal Code) in a landmark trial based on universal jurisdiction. A significant part of the indictment in the Taha al-J. – case focused…