6. Ponto x IIP Podcast: “Nuclear Weapons in Belarus and Mutiny in Russia – Insecurity for Europe?“

The sixth episode of the “Peace Matters” Podcast from Ponto and the International Institute for Peace has been released: “Nuclear Weapons in Belarus and Mutiny in Russia – Insecurity for Europe?“ Although the attempted mutiny in Russia on June 24th was short-lived, it may have lasting consequences for Russia’s political regime, its war in Ukraine,…

3. Ponto x IIP Podcast: „Kosovo und Serbien – Ist ein stabiler Frieden möglich?”

Die dritte Folge des “Peace Matters” Podcasts von Ponto und dem International Institute for Peace ist erschienen: „Kosovo und Serbien – Ist ein stabiler Frieden möglich?” Kosovo und Serbien haben seit langem ein schwieriges Verhältnis zueinander. Im Dezember 2022 kam es zu Straßensperren und Blockaden im Norden des Kosovos durch Teile der serbischen Minderheit. Unter…

2. Ponto x IIP Podcast: „Nuklearwaffen im Fokus: Zwischen Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag und neuer Aufrüstung“

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Die zweite Folge des “Peace Matters” Podcasts von Ponto und dem International Institute for Peace ist erschienen: „Nuklearwaffen im Fokus: Zwischen Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag und neuer Aufrüstung“ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/09Flrby… Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast… In dieser Episode sprechen wir darüber, welche Bedeutung und Wirkung der Atomwaffensperrvertrag sowie der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag heute haben, sowie inwiefern der Ukraine-Krieg in diesem Zusammenhang neue Fragen…

First IIP x Ponto Podcast: “One year in Ukraine: Does peace still matter?“

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The first episode of the ‘Peace Matters’ podcast by the International Institute for Peace and Ponto has been released: E1_One year of war in Ukraine: Does peace still matter? Available on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8HcI3Kz7sk&list=PL8bOdRJp3ejdtP57B5AroBph59GQtrdJW IIP Web https://www.iipvienna.com/podcast-peace-matters Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/09FlrbyhMajIuGEFDkiHUX Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/peace-matters/id1673740745 About the podcast: ‘Peace Matters’ is a podcast about contemporary conflicts…

EU security and defence: the cost of inaction

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The European Union finds itself in an increasingly threatening international arena while its Common Security and Defence Policy continues to have serious deficiencies. Surmounting its weaknesses must be a top priority to gain strategic autonomy in handling security threats. But underinvestment and lack of coordination are difficult challenges to overcome. The Russian invasion of Ukraine…

Russia’s war in Ukraine is about the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s remark in 2016 that Russia’s borders do not end anywhere reinforced a popular claim about the revisionist nature of Moscow’s foreign policy. Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine seems to be the ultimate validation of this belief. Various explanations of the invasion have been offered, ranging from Russia’s current military advantages over…


By Marylia Hushcha A month ago, a Ryanair civilian plane flying from Athens to Vilnius was forced to land in Minsk when it was flying through Belarus’ airspace. Belarusian authorities arrested two passengers who were on board of the plane: Raman Pratasevich – a blogger and opposition activist and his girlfriend Sofia Sapega. The incident…

Video: Actions and Reactions: Political Crisis in Belarus as Seen from Brussels and Moscow

Panelists: · MAGDA STUMVOLL, Research Fellow and project coordinator at the the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe; Board member at Ponto · MARYLIA HUSHCHA, Research assistant at the IIP; Board member at Ponto Discussant: · BENNO ZOGG, Senior Researcher, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich / Co-Head, Peace & Security Programme, Foraus –…

Russianization of Turkish Foreign Policy? The Bigger Question Behind Nagorno-Karabakh

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Best Frenemies? Russian President Putin and Turkish President Erdoğan Erdoğan’s increasingly assertive foreign policy seems to align more and more with Putin’s grand strategy. So far, the two internationally dissatisfied powers did not face each other directly with diametrical interests. Nagorno-Karabakh could become the game changer. Huntington Revisited “The most obvious and prototypical torn country…

Warum sagen osteuropäische Staaten NEIN zur Istanbul-Konvention?

  Der Slogan dieses Plakats einer bulgarischen Kampagne lautet: “Öffne deine Augen. Eine Kampagne gegen Gewalt an Frauen” Gemäß einer Umfrage der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) aus dem Jahr 2018 sind ungefähr 16 Millionen Frauen aus der OSZE-Region Opfer von sexueller Gewalt. Dies zeigt, dass Gewalt gegen Frauen ein akutes Problem…